Our CCP EXAM SIMULATOR ™ is a one-of-a-kind tool that utilizes CCP exam questions to help prepare you for the credentialing exam. Designed by a host of experts in the field of CMMC, this EXAM SIMULATOR will help you prepare for the EXAM. The CCP practice exam has been written by SCANTRON to the CCP BLUEPRINT. The sections of the BLUEPRINT include:
I. CMMC Ecosystem
II. Ethics
III. CMMC Governance & Source Documents
IV. CMMC Model Construct and Implementation
V. CMMC Assessment Process (CAP)
VI. Scoping
The EXAM SIMULATOR provides a large pool of questions. They are weighted as we anticipate the exam and timed like the exam.
What you get:
Access to one IP Address to the CCP Exam Simulator ™ for 1 year
Unlimited Attempts
Overall Score provided each time you complete 170 questions
Answers to the questions – including explanations of why the correct answer is correct and where to find the material that supports the answer
By Jan 1, 2023, there will be over 1,000+ questions
Please note price includes a 2.9% service fee.